Help Us Grow!
The IISOH is seeking volunteers and interns for a wide variety of projects that include marketing, public relations, research and fund raising. Each position is unique and personally designed for the skills and interests of the volunteer/intern as it fits into the overall mission of the IISOH. Help is needed in such areas as social media relations including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest; advertising and graphic design for projects such as the Sport in Art Poster Series; marketing in diverse markets from local school districts to the Fortune 500; mass media and video production and for YouTube and small spots for television and radio; and research to help develop and maintain ongoing projects such as the NOC Directory and Sports Information portals for our web site.
Interested volunteers and interns meet with the IISOH President in State College, Pennsylvania to begin their unique project but may work from afar to complete their work. Regular communication can be maintained via email, Skype or Facebook in addition to meeting in person in State College, PA. Interns can earn up to three (3) university credits for their time and gain valuable work experience while using their course work and theoretical studies from their major in a practical situation for a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation.
Requirements are few but the volunteer should have a passion for the area in which they want to serve, such as research, marketing, etc. A knowledge of sport is not required but could be very useful. Keep in mind that the mission goes beyond sport and includes Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Sport in Art and the Olympic Games, so that the emphasis of the IISOH is in the Arts and Humanities. High school students could earn their community service hours through their volunteer service while university students can earn credits towards their degree. English is the primary language for all work but bi-lingual and multi-lingual volunteers/interns are highly desirable and could become potential candidates for future employment. Groups are welcome and could be as young as boy or girl scouts. University sororities or fraternities are eagerly sought out for larger projects as the IISOH plans to promote the various projects and services to 501 Pennsylvania school districts in the 67 counties of the Commonwealth.
Benefits will accrue to both local and extended communities through the enormous web site being developed and the educational material to be published online. Once the IISOH constructs its own facility the local communities will benefit from a large sports complex that will include a research Library, Museum and Restaurant.